• Amanda Foxx: Set 04 (MP4) - 34 minutes

1. Acute Embarrassment
6 minutes 30 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 300.3 MB
Amanda is an assistant bank manager who has been taken hostage by a bank robber. Taking a hostage would not have been necessary if the silent alarm had not been tripped, but Amanda chose to trip it, and hence she ended up paying the price for that action. Because he didn't expect to have to flee the country, the robber heads for home through the park to collect his passport, with Amanda in tow. When they arrive, they see police cars blocking the road; they are clearly waiting for him to show up. He decides to out-wait them. This is a problem for Amanda who badly needs to pee. She asks if she can run into the woods and relieve herself, but the refuses to let go of her, knowing she would only run away if he did. Amanda holds herself as she tries to hold on, but it is not long before she loses control and wets herself in front of the robber.

2. Delivery Problem
9 minutes 11 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 425.6 MB
Drivers who deliver packages are not permitted to be more than 50 feet from their vehicle, so if they break down they must stay with the vehicle until help arrives. If they need to pee, they just have to hold it. That's the problem for Amanda when her vehicle refuses to start after she has made a delivery. She calls the company to send out a replacement truck, but waiting for them is a trial with a full bladder. She does her best, but she reaches a point where she knows she will wet her jeans if she doesn't do something about her situation. She finds a cup among the packages in the back, pulls off her jeans and panties and squats on the seat to pee into the cup. She looks incredibly relieved afterwards.

3. Can I Go Yet?
19 minutes 16 seconds - 1920x1080 pixels - bitrate 6 Mbps - MP4: 887.5 MB
In this informal video, I chat to a rather desperate Amanda about a few things, including what we did the previous day. It's something that did not get recorded; it was something just for me because, after twelve years of making desperation movies, I had never asked a model to do something just for me. It was an interesting experience, chatting to a desperate woman off-camera, and she was kind enough to accommodate me. During this one, she keeps asking "can I go yet?" which obviously ended up being the title of the video. At some point, she also came to the realization that I was never going to give her permission to go, so she made the decision for herself. For the end sequence, the camera focused on the backs of her legs to record the pee come rolling down the hose she was wearing. Amanda admits to actually enjoying this process (not sure if she actually said that on camera) which makes a change from those who would rather not have to be desperate to pee.

Amanda Foxx: Set 04 (MP4) - 34 minutes

  • $13.99

Tags: bound2burst, female_desperation, pee, wetting, Amanda_Foxx