• Can I Go Yet? (MP4) - Amanda Foxx

In this informal video, I chat to a rather desperate Amanda about a few things, including what we did the previous day. It's something that did not get recorded; it was something just for me because, after twelve years of making desperation movies, I had never asked a model to do something just for me. It was an interesting experience, chatting to a desperate woman off-camera, and she was kind enough to accommodate me. During this one, she keeps asking "can I go yet?" which obviously ended up being the title of the video. At some point, she also came to the realization that I was never going to give her permission to go, so she made the decision for herself. For the end sequence, the camera focused on the backs of her legs to record the pee come rolling down the hose she was wearing. Amanda admits to actually enjoying this process (not sure if she actually said that on camera) which makes a change from those who would rather not have to be desperate to pee.

19 minutes 16 seconds

Can I Go Yet? (MP4) - Amanda Foxx

  • $8.99

Tags: bound2burst, female_desperation, pee, wetting, Amanda_Foxx